Sunday 22 March 2015

E3 2015 is a coming! And we weren't invited... fuck

Well,  March is almost over (Weird, isn't it?) and soon April and May will zoom on by, leading us ever so closer to that one event that only happens once a year... that's right... Christmas.. wait.. no.. I mean E3.

Electronic Entertainment Expo 2015 will be here soon and Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft are pulling their water pistols out again to see who will have the better games, like all kids do.

 But it'll also be the time when Nintendo will show off their long awaited Star Fox game for Wii U... I'm still having the wet dreams from that announcement last year...

Sony are hoping to announce a few new games for their amazing line up of games on PS4... all 2 of them... I kid, I kid, the PS4 is a good system (If a bit over hyped) and I'm sure these new games will be very nice to see playing at 1080p on the PS4... or 900p.. or some weird 1080i bs.

Microsoft will be showing a shit ton of stuff of including how Windows 10 will be for the gamers instead of your dad at that office job he hates so much and wants to break free by dressing up in your mommy's clothes.. sorry.. rambling again... ISN'T THAT RIGHT DAD!?!?! Anyway, they'll be talking about the streaming from the Xbox One to PC in more detail as well as show off a ton of exclusive games to their platform and no doubt some third party games.. in lovely 720p..

So we hope to keep you all up to date with any news from E3 and anything surprising we find.

Tuesday 17 March 2015

SURPRISE BITCHES!! Also Nintendo News

Welcome Back to GGGNews.

Boy, I've been away for sometime from here I mean look at all these cobwebs. Anyway, welcome back everyone and I'm your editor of gaming, Chris Zeus, God of Hairbeards and man tits.

So I've been hearing some news on the Nintendo front recently that they joined forces with the Autobots to destroy the evil forces of the Decepticons... okay, maybe not that but it's fucking close. Nintendo and a mobile company based in Japan by the name of DeNA has joined forces to create a new membership system that will not only replace Club Nintendo but also unify accounts to a network which will span across PC, Tablet, Handheld, Smartphone and Console.

Now that just makes my hairy man chest hair stand on end and my nips erect, but that's not all folks as Nintendo's Satori Iwata has announced that by E3 2016, we'll be hearing about their NEXT GEN (That's right... NEXT GEN baby) console which will be competing against the PS4 and XBox One.. I don't know about you but I think this news is giving my wallet some new fears that I've not seen in years since days when I used to play with rocks by shoving them up my nose and blowing them out.. now that was some next gen shit back in my day.

So with the news of Nintendo coming into the mobile gaming market as well as announcing that they are indeed working on a new console called "NX" at the moment, you'd think no one would care... oh my dear friend, get that fucking rock off your back and come with me on my magical motha fucking hype train. As soon as news broke out, Nintendo fans from both sides were both happy and pissed at the announcement, but not only that, Nintendo's stocks skyrocketed by 30%.

We can safely say that Greatness Awaits... for Nintendo that is.

Lots of Love,

Your Overlord of Chaos.


Sunday 30 November 2014

Website Updae

SO recently, I've been busy doing College Assignments trying to make them perfect (Which kind of made me miss a few deadlines... but a Pass will do) and I was thinking... Maybe this site could use a brand new update, so I've decided to move the Guide to the all mighty Y Tubes!

   Why? Well mainly because I feel that if I spoke about Gaming News instead of only typing about it, it might actually open new doors for me, who knows. I'm also going to add a new part to the Sight called Anime FreakShow, this will be where I talk non-stop about my opinions on new Anime, older Anime, reviews and even some voice work for some fan dubs.

   So guys, I really enjoy typing up news articles and I will continue to do so but I might be taking a long break from Blogger for work purposes and so on, so please, don't be afraid to chat with me over in the Yee Tubes.


Wednesday 26 November 2014

Breaking News! ZombiU 2 rises from the dead!

According to recent leaks/rumour from Amazon France is that ZombiU 2 might be getting a release in 2015 under the strange distribution of Bandai Namco, the game itself will be set in New York City were the virus has spread across the globe and is now infected larger cities.

   ZombiU is a Nintendo Wii U exclusive that was published by Nintendo and developed by Ubisoft which had gone through a change from it's previous concept, Killer Freaks from Outer Space. With the news of a possible sequel to a very underrated launch game has now peaked the interest of many Gaming News publications such as IGN, who have stated that Amazon France has been correct with other leaked releases such as GTA V for PC, Killzone Trilogy, AC Collection (Exclusive to Europe) and many other rumours/leaks that have been prove to be correct. 

  I feel that the possibility of a sequel could be true as more Wii U owners have started to buy ZombiU once again, this means that the game is seeing a slow increase in sales so a sequel coming out next year is not too far off. Amazon France placed the date for October 2015 Exclusively for the Nintendo Wii U, I will update this article as soon as any changes happen. 

Thursday 20 November 2014

New Report of the Week: Wii U and PC exclusive 'Ucraft' no longer exclusive

IN the recent week, developer at Nexis Games has announced that the recent failed Kickstarted campaign for his latest game has fallen through and has now announced that the once Wii U and PC exclusive, Ucraft, will now be coming to the PS4 and Xbox One.

     Many Nintendo fans have shown their outrage at the decision, however, Nexis Games defends their/his decision to turn the game into a multiplatform game, “In the gaming community when a title is set to be exclusive for one Platform, Platform holders normally provide financial assistance to developers. This is done because of the massive amount of revenue developers lose by skipping other Platforms, unfortunately this is not the case for UCraft as it is being developed and funded entirely by Nexis Games (Me) and sadly I am not rich. When we made this decision we had no idea that Nintendo owners would care so much about UCraft going Multiplatform as long as it made it still made its way to the Wii U. We are not 100% against the idea of keeping UCraft on the Wii U/PC but in order for that to happen we will need your help. If there is enough interest we will consider relaunching another UCraft Kickstarter to keep UCaft exclusive to the Wii U.”

     The statement was made after the announcement of the now Multiplatform game sparked outrage from Nintendo fans. This could mean that Nexis Games might see less sales even from the other consoles has PS4 and Xbox One owners and not interested in the game. The game was meant to be a replacement for Minecraft on the Nintendo Wii U, even though the game was also coming to PC, this was because of the recent purchase of Mojang Games by Microsoft in early November.

      We should hear more from the story as it continues.

Monday 10 November 2014

WELCOME to the new GGGN where the articles will be laid out more like a proper journalist site rather than some regular blog site.

   I'm sorry that I haven't been online as much to update you all on the latest video game news but I will start updating the site constantly every Wednesday from now on so expect some news soon from me.

   I'll update you all later, thanks for reading.

Thursday 18 September 2014

Trade in your Violent, Nasty Video Games and get FREE Ice Cream... Wut?

Marin County has announced that people can now have 2 choices and the second choice is just weird.
Well according senator of the county and Ben & Jerry's are joining forces to defeat the evil video games and to calm the angry gamers out there who are just trying to load up the next chapter in their video games.

This is suppose to reduce "Violence in Gamers" which I find very moronic because there has been studies showing that only poorly made games cause violence within gamers, not well constructed games.
Mario Kart 8 doesn't make me want to throw a turtle and my friends whilst driving a go kart.

Well, if you live in California and you've got the munchies for Ice Cream, then why not trade in that copy of Call of Duty and trade that sucker in.

So what do you guys think?
Is this a great idea or is this just going to be a faze that'll soon die out?

Thank you for reading,
Christopher Bingham
