Sunday, 22 March 2015

E3 2015 is a coming! And we weren't invited... fuck

Well,  March is almost over (Weird, isn't it?) and soon April and May will zoom on by, leading us ever so closer to that one event that only happens once a year... that's right... Christmas.. wait.. no.. I mean E3.

Electronic Entertainment Expo 2015 will be here soon and Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft are pulling their water pistols out again to see who will have the better games, like all kids do.

 But it'll also be the time when Nintendo will show off their long awaited Star Fox game for Wii U... I'm still having the wet dreams from that announcement last year...

Sony are hoping to announce a few new games for their amazing line up of games on PS4... all 2 of them... I kid, I kid, the PS4 is a good system (If a bit over hyped) and I'm sure these new games will be very nice to see playing at 1080p on the PS4... or 900p.. or some weird 1080i bs.

Microsoft will be showing a shit ton of stuff of including how Windows 10 will be for the gamers instead of your dad at that office job he hates so much and wants to break free by dressing up in your mommy's clothes.. sorry.. rambling again... ISN'T THAT RIGHT DAD!?!?! Anyway, they'll be talking about the streaming from the Xbox One to PC in more detail as well as show off a ton of exclusive games to their platform and no doubt some third party games.. in lovely 720p..

So we hope to keep you all up to date with any news from E3 and anything surprising we find.

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