Thursday, 18 September 2014

Trade in your Violent, Nasty Video Games and get FREE Ice Cream... Wut?

Marin County has announced that people can now have 2 choices and the second choice is just weird.
Well according senator of the county and Ben & Jerry's are joining forces to defeat the evil video games and to calm the angry gamers out there who are just trying to load up the next chapter in their video games.

This is suppose to reduce "Violence in Gamers" which I find very moronic because there has been studies showing that only poorly made games cause violence within gamers, not well constructed games.
Mario Kart 8 doesn't make me want to throw a turtle and my friends whilst driving a go kart.

Well, if you live in California and you've got the munchies for Ice Cream, then why not trade in that copy of Call of Duty and trade that sucker in.

So what do you guys think?
Is this a great idea or is this just going to be a faze that'll soon die out?

Thank you for reading,
Christopher Bingham


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