Saturday, 30 August 2014

Breaking News?! Microsoft might be announcing a smaller version of either the Xbox One controller or the Console itself.

Recent, a store by the name of GAME has put up pre-orders for this new controller called the Xbox One Controller Mini:
(It also comes in Nuclear Puke Green)

This seems pretty out of the blue for Microsoft because if this was a third party controller from GAMEware (GAME's own accessories products) the logo would appear on the controller or it would show some signs of it being cheapen but this controller might be a fully licensed Xbox One controller from Microsoft themselves. Not much info was given on the store page but the release date is set for the 1st October 2014, this could mean Microsoft might announce a new Xbox One console that'll probably be more affordable for the consumers who can't afford either the 1TB model or the regular 500GB Model Xbox Ones. 

I'll try to reach Microsoft for some more info on this and see if this could mean the first next gen slim console this generation. 

- Christopher Bingham


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