Many people are now familiar with the Ex-Developer Phil Fish and how he spark so much controversy amongst the internet, some people love him, a LOT of people hate him and there's people like me who really couldn't give a crap about some snot nosed dev who thinks he's better than everyone else. However, Fez is an amazing game, even though it can get a bit over dramatic at times and feels that the whole 2D/3D mix was good but got a little annoying after a while, so I can say he is a decent developer but his personality is a completely different matter.
Philip Fish, started his infamy on a little movie called 'Indie Games The Movie' which feature many devs like the creator of Super Meat Boy (Who is by far my favourite Indie Dev... and no we did not have sex... he shared coke once BUT that's another story), Jonathan Blow and so many others INCLUDING the all hated Philip J Fry... I mean Philip Fish.
Basically, throughout the whole film he was whining and bitching about how hardly anyone played his demo at a gaming convention and how he'd "Kill himself" if the game didn't do well, this naturally sparked anger amongst the people because of how he overreacted to the situation. Once the game finally got released on Xbox 360, he made a nice little comment to all the PC gamers who wanted to say and I quote "PC is for spreadsheets".. which is strange seeing how he used a PC to actually develop the game but he probably wanted to piss off the PC fans and he did, a petition to get Fez on PC was under way and guess who pissed off the PC gamers... Phil Fish himself, he then said "Petition hard you PC nerds" which ended up to haunt him because not only was Fez released on Steam but soon released on PS3 a few years later.
Many years had past and he was being attacked and making stabs at Nintendo and such. 2013 arrived and Phil Fish announced his latest game called Fez II, many of his fans (including his mother) were excited to hear the news and that wasn't all, the game was coming to the Xbox One in 2014... that's before shit hit the fan. Marcus Beer (Also known as The Annoyed Gamer) was in a podcast when he called out not just Phil Fish but Jonathan Blow, calling them both pretentious hipsters, calling Phil Fish a "Whiner" and just basically a whole lot of harsh words. Phil's response to this was very subtle... he basically told Marcus Beer to "Go kill yourself", this soon became an all out war on Tweet, many internet connections were lost that day, it was a bloody battle in deed.
A few Tweets later, Phil Fish made the most shocking news of them all, that he'd be leaving the game industry and never come back ever again, this also meant that Fez II would be cancelled, pissing off many fans but delighting many haters around the world and I'd be lying if I said I didn't chuckle a bit at this news. So now Phil Fish is selling on his now hacked website and the Fez license which I and many other's think that Notch will buy the ip, it's mainly because he HATES Phil Fish more than anyone in the world.
So what is my take on Phil Fish, well... he's an young kid who didn't know what he was letting himself get into and ultimately couldn't stand the heat. I think he's a horrible person but he's also a decent dev, I'd say give the kid a break and take him to therapy because someone needs to change him.
- Christopher Bingham