Saturday, 30 August 2014

Breaking News?! Microsoft might be announcing a smaller version of either the Xbox One controller or the Console itself.

Recent, a store by the name of GAME has put up pre-orders for this new controller called the Xbox One Controller Mini:
(It also comes in Nuclear Puke Green)

This seems pretty out of the blue for Microsoft because if this was a third party controller from GAMEware (GAME's own accessories products) the logo would appear on the controller or it would show some signs of it being cheapen but this controller might be a fully licensed Xbox One controller from Microsoft themselves. Not much info was given on the store page but the release date is set for the 1st October 2014, this could mean Microsoft might announce a new Xbox One console that'll probably be more affordable for the consumers who can't afford either the 1TB model or the regular 500GB Model Xbox Ones. 

I'll try to reach Microsoft for some more info on this and see if this could mean the first next gen slim console this generation. 

- Christopher Bingham


News News and more News

Okay here is News, News, and More News for you guys:

News #1
I will be pre-ordering the newer 3DS models from Japan and I'll be reviewing them in October for you guys as well, I might to a Google Hangout and you guys can ask me how the console is and whether or not you should buy it next year. Personally, I'd say that you should just wait for the New 3DS to come out in the West next year, but if you REALLY want one and take the risk then I'd say go for the import.

News #2
College is starting back soon and I might not be uploading news articles as much  so you'll probably see one or two new articles a week at best but hopefully I can get the work done quicker so you guys won't have to wait so long.

News #3
I have been blocked from playing that game "Depression Quest"... haven't got a clue why but I'll see if I can't download it again, it was probably a bug on my part on Steam that didn't allow me to download it. But be warned, I will be ranting and raving at this game because I played it before on my Brother's PC... it's not even a good book lets put it that way.

Thank you reading and I hope you all have a lovely day,

- Christopher Bingham


Friday, 29 August 2014

PAX Prime Time - GTA V Next Gen Release Date Reveal Prediction

I may not be going to PAX but I'm sure not gonna let that stop me because on todays... PAX PRIME TIME! We'll be talking about the possibility of GTA V on Next Gen and PC having it's release date announced at PAX Prime.

Well, will I was watching the Nintendo mini direct I got to thinking, "What if Rockstar finally announces the release date for GTA V this year on Next gen and PC?" and then I came up with a little prediction, since this is the first day of PAX will hear nothing about it but on the second day of PAX, Rockstar will announce something epic, something that will make every fanboy/fangirl cream themselves... and it'll be... the announcement of Leminings Reboot... just kidding, no, they'll announce GTA V will release in Early November (My bets on the release day being the 7th November) and it will come with the heist DLC and a new Zombie DLC which gives the game a second campaign mode like Red Dead Redemption.

This is only a little mini prediction but it could come true seeing how they've been quite for so long. So what do you guys think?
Do you think it'll be true or do you think it'll release next year.

Leave a comment down below, and thank you for reading.

- Christopher Bingham


Breaking Nintendo News! Nintendo has just announced 2 big bombs today...

And no you so called "Journalists" I don't mean those types of bombs, but they have just announced that the new Xenoblade series would be coming to 3DS and a another little surprise near then end of this article for you guys to throw your wallets at the screen or just go "Son of a pregnant dog!".

Today, Xenoblade was announced at PAX Prime for the 3DS and will be just as big as it's console counter part, the gameplay trailer will show you all the details that my moronic brain couldn't keep up with.

And no for the News that shocked me and many other Nintendo Fans... Nintendo has announced a brand NEW 3DS... that's the name... I'm not even joking the new 3DS is literally called NEW 3DS... And you thought the Xbox One was a silly name but this is just taking it a step further. The NEW 3DS will feature Dual Circular pads (The right one being smaller to fit on the device), four rear buttons (Yes, four instead of the traditional two), faster download speeds, NFC chip inside the touch screen and two sizes, XL and Regular. They'll release in Japan in 2014 - 10 - 11, a European and US release date is unknown but I'll make sure to cover it as soon as possible.

The videos were from GameXplain, great guys and they do a good job at reporting on Nintendo news so please go take a look at their channel:

Opinion Hour - Is Journalism in Gaming Dead?

In the recent weeks, gaming has been turned on it head for the worse when gaming websites like Kotaku started to do shady business strategies with devs and Anita Sarkisian, preventing people from ever speaking out about any of the subject matters and even mention either Anita or Zoe Quinn means that person has been banned from the site. This is a HUGE problem because it generates such a mistrust amongst the gaming community as a whole, gamers will start rising up against the hypocrites in the journalist industry and show them that the gaming community isn't to be messed with. Sadly, the hypocrisy in gaming journalism is true and is causing the gaming community to divide against one another, people who are all for sites like Kotaku say that there is no clear evidence whilst others say there's a lot of evidence pointing towards these business practises.

So is the Journalism in Gaming dying or Dead?
Yes and no, yes because Journalists are killing their viewer ship by calling all gamers "Terrorists" or "MisodgyNerds" just because they are speaking out on their opinions. But, is it dead already? No, it can still recover from this if companies like Kotaku and many of the Devs apologies for what they've caused and maybe we could see improvements but we need to see them work, we want to see every detail about what they are doing instead of hiding it behind closed doors.

I, for one am very annoyed with people who say they know a lot about this whole debate but really they are just waving the flag, I have no clue how it started but I'm on the side for the gamers and I'll try my hardest to research how this got started and how to stop it from happening ever again. I will make a vow of trust,

I will never deceive my viewers into a false pretences,
I promise to never let corruption on this site to go unpunished,
I will make sure the views get what they want and not some one sided argument,
I promise to stand beside the gaming community no matter what,
I am a Gamer and I want to stay that way,

If you want more information about this "War" (As the journalists are calling it) then please visit this guys channel, he has some amazing videos that makes it easier to understand what's going on:

Friday, 22 August 2014

Opinion Hour: Do I hate Phil Fish?

Many people are now familiar with the Ex-Developer Phil Fish and how he spark so much controversy amongst the internet, some people love him, a LOT of people hate him and there's people like me who really couldn't give a crap about some snot nosed dev who thinks he's better than everyone else. However, Fez is an amazing game, even though it can get a bit over dramatic at times and feels that the whole 2D/3D mix was good but got a little annoying after a while, so I can say he is a decent developer but his personality is a completely different matter.
Philip Fish, started his infamy on a little movie called 'Indie Games The Movie' which feature many devs like the creator of Super Meat Boy (Who is by far my favourite Indie Dev... and no we did not have sex... he shared coke once BUT that's another story), Jonathan Blow and so many others INCLUDING the all hated Philip J Fry... I mean Philip Fish.

Basically, throughout the whole film he was whining and bitching about how hardly anyone played his demo at a gaming convention and how he'd "Kill himself" if the game didn't do well, this naturally sparked anger amongst the people because of how he overreacted to the situation. Once the game finally got released on Xbox 360, he made a nice little comment to all the PC gamers who wanted to say and I quote "PC is for spreadsheets".. which is strange seeing how he used a PC to actually develop the game but he probably wanted to piss off the PC fans and he did, a petition to get Fez on PC was under way and guess who pissed off the PC gamers... Phil Fish himself, he then said "Petition hard you PC nerds" which ended up to haunt him because not only was Fez released on Steam but soon released on PS3 a few years later.

Many years had past and he was being attacked and making stabs at Nintendo and such. 2013 arrived and Phil Fish announced his latest game called Fez II, many of his fans (including his mother) were excited to hear the news and that wasn't all, the game was coming to the Xbox One in 2014... that's before shit hit the fan. Marcus Beer (Also known as The Annoyed Gamer) was in a podcast when he called out not just Phil Fish but Jonathan Blow, calling them both pretentious hipsters, calling Phil Fish a "Whiner" and just basically a whole lot of harsh words. Phil's response to this was very subtle... he basically told Marcus Beer to "Go kill yourself", this soon became an all out war on Tweet, many internet connections were lost that day, it was a bloody battle in deed.

A few Tweets later, Phil Fish made the most shocking news of them all, that he'd be leaving the game industry and never come back ever again, this also meant that Fez II would be cancelled, pissing off many fans but delighting many haters around the world and I'd be lying if I said I didn't chuckle a bit at this news. So now Phil Fish is selling on his now hacked website and the Fez license which I and many other's think that Notch will buy the ip, it's mainly because he HATES Phil Fish more than anyone in the world.

So what is my take on Phil Fish, well... he's an young kid who didn't know what he was letting himself get into and ultimately couldn't stand the heat. I think he's a horrible person but he's also a decent dev, I'd say give the kid a break and take him to therapy because someone needs to change him.

- Christopher Bingham


Was Fez 2 a Timed Exclusive for the Xbox One?

Later this month, a hacker group named '/V/' had hacked into the Polytron website and found some information about personal details of staff members and Phil Fish himself. Recent news states that they had also found contracts from Sony and Valve which was in a folder on the game dev's site. This got my attention as Phil Fish (Before all the drama started) said that the game would be a Xbox One exclusive but had no mention on saying whether it would be timed or just another Xbox One exclusive.

This then led me to believe that maybe he had planned to release the game onto the PS4 and PC later on, now since the game has been sadly cancelled, we'll never know but if any of you are interested in actually BUYING the website, Phil Fish stated that Polytron and Fez is going up for sale since his tweet. 

I think this isn't a great move, the way he reacted to the hate and the "trolls" he just dug himself deeper into a hole he can no longer get himself out of. So what do you guys think? 

Do you like Fez and wish to see a sequel or do you just hate Phil Fish and feel the website being hacked was justified, please don't be afraid to leave a comment down below.

- Christopher Bingham

Here as link to where I got the info and I'd say sub to this guy for doing a great job on reporting this:


Thursday, 21 August 2014

Upcoming Reviews and More!

Let's get started with the list of reviews I'll be doing in the coming months or so:

  • Five Nights at Freddy's 
  • GTA V
  • Bayonetta 2
  • Depression Quest (Rant Special) 
  • Super Smash Brothers For the Wii U/3DS (I'll review both as separate games)
  • Forest (Pre-Alpha Special)
  • Assassin's Creed Unity
These are just the reviews for this year, next year I'll be doing a lot more so look out for that. Also, on to a new bit of news, I'm opening up for more than just ideas, I'd love it if you guys tell me in the next few months what you think of the blog site and what I can change to make the site more interesting and suited for you gamers out there. 

I'm hoping to get a logo done but I don't know who to go to because I'm a little low on funds at the moment so I won't be able to pay to get one made but once the site is up and running then we'll see some big changes. 

Thanks for reading this very brief update.

- Christopher Bingham 

No Corruption, No Mercy, All About the Gamers.

Hello there,
My name is Christopher E.T. Bingham (Yes, you can make fun of my middle name if you so wish) and I'm studying to become a journalist for the gaming industry and maybe other forms of media, and I'd like to say that I won't be like those big shots who have been corrupted by some of the big gaming companies and I'll speak my mind if need be. I hope you guys can also give me some intake as well because this is going to built from the ground up with the help of the gamers, the geeks and the nerds that made gaming the big business it is and I'd love for you guys to help lil ol' me out with this.

I'm open to any opinions, criticisms and ideas on how to make the blog even better and if you want me to review game that you all heavily thinks needs more interest from the public I'll try my best to get the game on my list of games to review. So far I'm only one person but with y'alls help I can make the blog site a perfect place for gaming from Nintendo to Sony to Microsoft and hell, you PC Gamers can come along too, everyone will be treated equally here and I'll make sure everyone gets their opinions heard.

Please, have a scone, nice cup of tea... orrr just drink your Mountain Dew, that's good too.

So guys, hope to see what you think and thanks for coming.

- Christopher Bingham
